How does it feel when you wake up in the morning? Is there a smile on your face knowing you are living a life you want to live? Or you relate to feeling like life is moving in slow motion? You might feel like you’re missing vibrant colors, authentic feelings, and basic growth. You might have that wish “If only this magical moment came when I woke up and my life would be completely different.” What do you wish for the most? More money? Building your own business? A loving partner? Travel more? Lose weight? Balance all areas of your life? More free time?
“I wish I had a goldfish?” Sounds familiar? It’s not enough to WANT to do better, you need to TAKE ACTION on your wants and your dreams. Starting today, move your dreams from your “wish” list to your “getting” or “doing” list.
PERSONAL COACHING will empower you with understanding and strength you need to achieve any goal you truly desire.
But I must be honest here. This is not a motivation course. It’s work! Because if you want to make a change in your life you have to do your “inner work”. Motivation by itself won’t get you the result you want. And we will have a really great time along the way! I promise you that!
Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Book a FREE session to find out more.
Res, preverjeno odlična coachinja. Vesela in zelo hvaležna sem,da mi odpira mojo podzavest. Življenje se mi je spremenilo na bolje, saj delam to, kar hočem! Najhujše je bilo, ko na začetku nisem vedela, ali je prav, za kar sem se odločila. Imela sem super službo z lepo zelo visoko plačo, sama pa sem bila zelo nesrečna. Dušilo me je in zjutraj mi je šlo na bruhanje, ko sem se odpravljala na delo. Denar mi ni več predstavljal sreče, krvavo zaslužen, je bil prej moj propad! Zato sem se odločila za Lucijo Smolnik – Lucija Coaching in končno spoznala, kaj zmorem in kje v življenju delam napake. Na koncu mi je super uspelo, z njeno pomočjo sem prišla do zadanega cilja, da lahko danes delam, kar me osrečuje. HVALA Lucija! Vesela sem, da obstajaš! Se veselim nadaljnega dela s tabo, novi cilji in izzivi so že na obzorju. Ko spregledamo in smo pozitivno usmerjeni, se ne obremenjujemo z drugimi, potem je uspeh na naši strani!